Sleep Tips For New Fathers

Sleep Tips For New Fathers

The amount of sleep new parents get in is frighteningly small as baby is keeping to a very different schedule than you. For Father's Day, we've put together a list of tips for first-time fathers.

Every year, there are men experiencing their first Father’s Day as a father themselves.

If this is your first – congratulations!

As much as you think you’re ready, nothing prepares you for the reality of a new-born, particularly the impact it has on your sleep habits.

But there are some things you can do to ease the pain of sleep deprivation.

Sleep when the baby sleeps

dad and baby sleeping in a blanket

Being on paternity leave, you might be tempted to let your partner get those cheeky little naps in because of the stress of child birth.

A better plan is to be a team and share the opportunities to recharge, even if it is only for 20 minutes.

Both parents need to make the most of the opportunity to sleep when the baby sleeps, but this does mean you have to go completely against normal sleeping rules and start napping during the day. If your baby nods off for a 20-minute nap at 2pm…join them.

Also, use this time to initiate a routine that your baby can start getting used to once you get back to work.

Get the room temperature just right

baby kept warm in blanket

Eventually, you will get some sleep! When you do, you need to make the environment as welcoming as possible.

The perfect temperature to help you fall asleep quickly is just below 22 degrees and lighting should be kept to a minimum so get yourself some blackout blinds!

Feel your feelings

dad and baby at sunset

Becoming a father can bring a tidal wave of emotions that, through sleep deprivation, can cause serious and regular mood swings.

Listen to what your body is telling you and don’t underestimate the change your body and mind go through.

Make sure that you listen to how you’re feeling as the weeks go by, especially as you start to transition back into working life.

If you feel burnt out, speak to your employer about having some more time off or making your hours a bit more flexible until your baby starts sleeping through the night.

Do not self-medicate yourself into "good" sleep

drunk man asleep in bed

At moments of severe sleep exhaustion for both mums and dads, it’s understandable to reach for some relief to help nod off but it might actually do more harm than good.

10% of Brits admit to taking alcohol or medication to help them get to sleep.

Some think that consuming these types of ‘sleeping aids’ help you fall asleep quicker, but you spend more time in the deep sleep stage rather than the REM stages of sleep – meaning you aren’t getting the full benefits of a proper sleep and you won’t feel rested or refreshed in the morning.

Relax in the evening as much as possible

man reading a book in soft daylight

If you can speak to your employer about leaving early and avoiding the evening rush hour, this could help ease your stress levels after work and let you start your evenings off calmly.

If working remotely or from home is an option, take it! Breaking up the routine of commuting between the office and home every day could also help with easing your mind and helping you get to sleep at night.

Do things to make your life easier

meal preparation

When you become a parent, the best thing to do is try and be proactive.

Make sure every eventuality is considered so that if something unexpected does come up, it’s easier to deal with.

These could be small things such as batch cooking in preparation for a weekend, or get yourself into bed earlier so you’re training your brain to get to sleep quicker.

Podcasts or audiobooks are great for relaxing during a night of getting up and down constantly. They can keep you calm and give your mind a distraction to help you relax during those times between trips to the cot.

Get the right mattress and pillow

octasmart pillow

Having the right mattress and pillows to give your body the right support, and cradle your aching joints is incredibly important. At Dormeo, we have a large selection of mattress and pillows to suit any sleeper. If you don’t have a good place to sleep and recharge (even for those brief moments) you will find doing anything difficult.

Without a decent amount of sleep, you won’t be the best father you can be.

Ultimately, everyone is different and everyone copes in different ways. Do not let your lack of sleep make you think you are failing as a parent. It’s a hard thing to do especially when it’s your first. All you can do is the best and, with these tips from the Sleep Experts at Dormeo, first time fathers have information on how to get through those hard first months.

Happy Father's Day to everyone celebrating this day in their special way!

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